Sunday, March 18, 2012

You get what you pay for.

You get what get what you pay for, on my jobs that would be shit.  It takes a certain amount of money and time to build a project right  there is no magic construction company that can do better for less.  You can talk to some clients till you are blue in the face and they will still opt for the guy 22% less than the others.  The idiot client will even stick with them when they cant get bonded.  The really dumb client will stay with them when the work is slow and crappy and at 50% through they are already half way to the full price with change orders.  makes you wonder how they have the money to be developers.  Oh wait dad's money, and got lucky buying a distressed property in a great location.  okay so they may know the market and pricing but they really need an education if how not to be a cheap ass because cheaper is not always better.

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