Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Building in Progression

There is a certain way you build a building. Much like a tree a building has a certain order to it.  When you start doing things out of order, people and information gets lost.  Like a rotten tree or branch things start to break, and come crashing down.

Case in point you should finish you demolition and rough construction before progressing even into the only slightly more difficult field of framing and you should never be doing these things when you are doing the finer things like drywall.

Finish and taped then we put the opening!
Didn't demo for the window.. framer forgot it was needed.
Didn't Demo so framed and insulated wall.. no window in room!  gonna have to fix that.

Didn't trim back the steel, so the dry wall was cut around it, then they cam back and trimmed...

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